
A united responsible voice, the South African National Consumer Union is a voluntary autonomous body that today represents millions of consumers. Its membership extends from the vitally important grass-roots support of leading women’s organisations such as the various Women’s Agricultural Unions, the National Council of Women of South Africa, through to influential bodies such as the DENOSA, the Association of Retired Persons and Pensioners, KONTAK, etc. Being an independent organisation, the Consumer Union speaks with authority on behalf of all consumers. Its opinions are sought by manufacturers, retailers, the agricultural sector, the SA Bureau of Standards and Government. It works in close co-operation with all the above where the interest of the consumer is concerned. Its policy has always been one of communication and consultation before confrontation. It aims to build up consumers’ awareness of their rights, responsibilities and bargaining powers through education, information and protection.

SAAFoST is the Association for Food Scientists, Technologists and other Professionals serving the food and allied industries in South Africa. The organsiation provides its members with valuable networking and knowledge-sharing events and publications. SAAFoST promotes education and professionalism as well as an appropriate legislative structure in the industry.

As the registered professionals in the field of dietetics and nutrition, we support and promote the continued growth of the profession of dietetics in South Africa. The primary aims of the association are to serve the interests of dietitians in South Africa and to promote the nutritional well-being of the community. Registered Dietitians are qualified health professionals registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), and have a minimum qualification of a four-year scientific degree with training in all aspects and fields of nutrition therapy. This registration helps to protect the public from nutrition misinformation. Nutrition is a science and Dietitians are the recognized experts in the field of evidence-based nutrition. There are many unscientific health and nutrition publications, fad diets and nutritional gimmicks around. When you consult a registered Dietitian you are protected from misleading treatments and wrong information. By law Dietitians need to keep up to date on the latest nutritional information in order to remain registered, ensuring that anyone who makes use of their services is given the latest evidence based information. So, when visiting a Dietitian or nutrition expert you can have peace of mind, by checking for proof of registration with the HPCSA and that the notation RD (SA) as is used for Registered Dietitians in South Africa.

The South African National Bottled Water Association (SANBWA) was formed in 1997 as a standards setting and representative body for the industry. It is a voluntary association of bottlers whose primary concern is the health, safety and pleasure of their consumers. They therefore willingly conform to the extremely stringent safety and quality measures contained in the SANBWA Guidelines and Standards, although the cost to them of such compliance is considerable.